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5 Facts About High Cholesterol Causes

5 Facts About High Cholesterol Causes

The majority of adults worldwide have high cholesterol levels. It is a condition that, if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease and stroke. The fact that abnormal cholesterol levels in our body can go unidentified until it’s too late adds to the danger.

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a pale yellow, fat-like substance found in every cell of our body. Cholesterol is used by the body to produce hormones, vitamin D, and substances that aid digestion.
Until a person develops severe heart disease, high Cholesterol is painless and causes no symptoms. Cholesterol is a silent enemy. One should be well informed about cholesterol stroke risk factors.

High Cholesterol Causes

Some top reasons for high cholesterol are:

1. Poor Lifestyle (alcohol and smoking)
Do you regularly drink alcohol and smoke? If yes, it may lead to increased cholesterol levels. Since alcohol contains higher calories, it results in increased weight. Similarly, tobacco contains harmful chemicals that lower your good cholesterol and increase bad in the body. As time passes, it may affect your liver as well. Therefore, these must be avoided.  

2. No Physical Activity 

Physical activities increase your good cholesterol levels. If you perform no physical activity for a long time your hormones will be disrupted. Therefore the body fails to produce the required amount of good cholesterol.

3. Genetics and Family History 

Medical history in your family plays a bigger role in elevated cholesterol. Your risk of acquiring high cholesterol is increased if someone in your family has had the condition in the past. Higher cholesterol levels are the outcome of certain medical diseases.

4. Obesity 
Being overweight lowers your good cholesterol whereas, it increases bad levels. Excessive weight around the abdominal region indicates increased levels.

5. Improper Diet 
Do you eat junk food with saturated fats? This increases the bad cholesterol levels in your body. Some common foods that you must avoid are red meat. Whereas include green vegetables in your everyday diet.

An inactive lifestyle and being overweight are two other factors that can raise your cholesterol levels. What causes high cholesterol is a common question. However, high cholesterol is sometimes an inherited genetic condition known as familial hypercholesterolemia. This condition increases your chances of developing heart disease at a young age.

Diabetes, hypothyroidism, liver disease, and kidney disease can all cause an increase in cholesterol levels.

Best Diet for High Cholesterol

It is always advisable to seek the advice of a professional. Cholesterol levels can rise for a variety of reasons. As a result, your doctor is much better equipped to assess your cholesterol levels and plan your diet.

Here are some tips you can follow for the best diet for high Cholesterol:

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Select lean protein sources like chicken or fish.
Avoid eating processed foods and saturated fats.
Drink plenty of water and stay away from sugary drinks.

The Bottomline
Everything must be in perfect balance for the body to remain healthy and fit for an extended period. This is especially true when it comes to cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, our understanding of what causes high cholesterol levels is still evolving. That is why it is critical to see a doctor regularly.

Adults aged 30 and up are at a higher risk of high cholesterol-related heart disease and stroke. It’s always a good idea to see a doctor if you’re frequently tired or have unexplained pain.

Finding the best health experts near you is now a simple click away with Kayawell. Follow this link to schedule an appointment online. Consulting the best doctor near you doesn’t get more convenient and affordable than this.

Source URL: Everything About High Cholesterol – Symptoms, Cause, Risk Factor
5 Facts About High Cholesterol Causes

5 Facts About High Cholesterol Causes
